Research Areas

The Simon Lab explores science at the interface of condensed matter, quantum optics, and quantum information. Our science is enabled by technological innovation, particularly in Hamiltonian engineering, control, and electronics, allowing us to explore open questions in topological physics, photonic materials, and strong correlations.

For a broad overview of the science, here are a few talks given by Jon: Laughlin States of Light at KITP, Harvard ITAMP, KITP Topological Quantum Materials , Simons Center for Geometry and Physics , KITP Few-Body Physics, Manybody Cavity QED

Small Waist Cavity Arrays

Small Waist Cavity Arrays

Cavity Rydberg Polaritons

Cavity Rydberg Polaritons

Topological Photonics

Topological Photonics

Photonic Materials in Quantum Circuits

Photonic Materials in Quantum Circuits

Hybrid Quantum Systems

Hybrid Quantum Systems



Alexander Anferov, Shannon P Harvey, Fanghui Wan, Jonathan Simon, and David I Schuster, "Superconducting Qubits Above 20 GHz Operating over 200 mK" arXiv: 2402.03031

Alexander Anferov, Shannon P Harvey, Wendy Wan, Kan-Heng Lee, Jonathan Simon, and David I Schuster, "Low-loss millimeter-wave resonators with an improved coupling structure" arXiv: 2311.01670

Gabrielle Roberts, Andrei Vrajitoarea, Brendan Saxberg, Margaret G. Panetta, Jonathan Simon, and David I Schuster, "Manybody Interferometry of Quantum Fluids" arXiv: 2309.05727

Alexander Anferov, Kan-Heng Lee, Fang Zhao, Jonathan Simon and David I Schuster, "Improved Coherence in Optically-Defined Niobium Trilayer Junction Qubits" arXiv: 2306.05883

Aishwarya Kumar, Aziza Suleymanzade, Mark Stone, Lavanya Taneja, Alexander Anferov, David I. Schuster, and Jonathan Simon, "Quantum-enabled millimetre wave to optical transduction using neutral atoms" Nature 615, 614–619

Stanford University
Physics Department
Applied Physics Department